Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy Giftmas!

Giftmas is only 2 days away!   Giftmas occurs on the fourth Saturday of December, except if that date is the 25th, in which case Giftmas defaults to the third Saturday of December.  A palm tree is decorated and brightly colored lights are hung around the house.  On Giftmas morning presents are exchanged between family members while tropical music plays in the back ground, leis are worn (along with Hawaiian patterned shirts), and fruity drinks are enjoyed with little umbrellas (alcohol optional, but encouraged!).

Giftmas decorations!

The Giftmas Palm Tree lit up!

And Happy Holidays to those who celebrate something else!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mmmm drugs are good, prescription that is....

I've never been one to like drugs, prescription, over the counter, or "other"....but I must confess that the prescriptions I'm on now are fantastic.  No headaches for a week now and I'm feeling less stressed and clearheaded. 
I still haven't managed to get up when the alarm goes off, the first time, and I feel quite defeated by this challenge.  It's probably the easiest thing on my 30 list and it has yet to be crossed off.  But this is what happens every morning, regardless of when I set my alarm:

And it doesn't matter if it's on vibrate, a crappy song, an annoying beep, or a kick ass song....every morning my sleepy personality trumps my motivation personality.  I've even tried cheating on the weekends and setting it for 9...but still the snooze button gets hit.  Why not get rid of the snooze button you ask?  Well, I've tried that.  I used to have it set up to where I didn't have a snooze option and I had to solve 2 math problems to turn the damn thing off.  And what did my sleepy personality, who I will now refer to as Sleepy Sandy, do?  Wakes up enough to solve the math problems, dismiss the alarm, and reset the alarm for a later time....SERIOUSLY.  I have to boot Sleepy Sandy out of my bed.  I blame her for me not getting up early enough to work out.  She's the reason I'm always in a rush to do everything in the morning, and barely have time to log on to facebook before going to work.  Sometimes Sleepy Sandy makes me go to bed early before I shower and she tells me that "Oh yea we will get up early and take a shower in the morning"....and then the morning comes and Sleepy Sandy hits the Snooze and then I have to rush through my shower and then I have to miss out on reading people's posts on facebook about going to bed or getting up.  Damn you Sleepy Sandy.  Damn you. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011 is Amazing without them

Last week I had a headache.  No big deal right?  Pop some pills, drink some water, go about your day.  But this particular headache started on Monday, November 21st and lasted until Monday, November 28th.  Seven days of head throbbing, pill popping, laying in bed pain. By Wednesday night I was in tears yelling at my pillow to please give me relief.  But that damn pillow didn't do ANYTHING.  Nor did the numerous amount of times I took various headache medicine.  Nothing touched it.  On Thanksgiving I'm not sure what pill I took but it gave me a little relief and I was able to make it through family dinner. 

What should a normal person do when they have a headache for several days?  Go to the doctor is probably your answer.  On Wednesday morning when the husband suggested I go to the doctor my first thought was that it would probably cost $6,000 with that amazing insurance we have.....I was ready to go to the doctor by Wednesday night but my doctor isn't open on Thanksgiving, nor the day after (we should really just make Thanksgiving a 2 day holiday and be done with it).  So my plan was to suffer through the weekend and call on Monday.  So suffer through the weekend I did.  Sleeping mainly.  I took a bath on Sunday night and put my head under water which helped.  On Monday morning I called the doctor and got in for a same day appointment (apparently they were concerned about a week long headache as well).  The doctor had me do some coordination tests (I imagine to make sure I didn't have a tumor [my doctor is very high tech]) and squeezed my head a few times and checked my eyeballs and ears and blood pressure.  He said he thinks I have a tension headache and then gave me two prescriptions and told me to get the hell out of there (OK so maybe he didn't say it exactly like that but you get the idea)

So after the doc I went to Walgreen's to get my scripts (that's street lingo for prescriptions).  One pill is for me to take every 6 hours "to break the headache cycle" (doctor quote) and then the other is an anti depressant to take before bed (apparently I'm mentally unbalanced and have been for some time which explains SO much). 

I thought the one I took right away would be magical and the horrible headache would I went back to work (like a dumb ass).  In the 3 hours that remained of my day at work I believe I was able to scan 3 documents and place 1 order.  It was not good.  I left to pick up the child and then went home and laid down and awaited my untimely death.  But death did not come.  I woke up and fell asleep throughout the evening, getting up to use the bathroom and eat something.  I asked the husband to make the pain stop, but he didn't know how.  I took my bedtime pills and went to bed. 


What a beautiful morning Tuesday was!  I woke up without the dreaded headache.  I felt like I could do anything!  I should have tried juggling or running a marathon or juggling while running a marathon!  I went to work and accomplished things!  My mind was clear and I could once again alphabetize and balance my checkbook.  And this is when I had my epiphany.  Before the headache week I felt very blah and non-motivated to do stuff.  I went through my days mostly on auto-pilot putting in the necessary time at work, making dinner without any thought, half-ass cleaning the house....But now, with a clear head and the knowledge of how difficult it is to do simple things with a week long headache, I am changing. 

So the next time you don't feel like doing some mundane task pretend someone is punching you in the head repeatedly while you try to do it. 

3 days without the headache have come and gone and tomorrow I vow to cross an item off the 30 list....GET UP WHEN THE ALARM GOES OFF, THE FIRST TIME.  I know what you're thinking- it's been over a month and you haven't DONE THAT?  Geez.  See, auto-pilot.  But that list is about to become my bitch. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Check #27 off the list!

Last night Shawn (the hubby) and I watched Paranormal Activity the dark....with NO COVERS!!  Afterwards I had to watch something funny to be able to go to sleep and put on a special by Daniel Tosh.  I had some wicked dreams and when Shawn left for work this morning at 7:45 I couldn't go back to sleep in the house by myself so I got 7:50...on a Saturday....when I didn't have to. 

But the point is only 29 more to go!!  And now I never have to watch another scary movie without covers again!

Friday, October 21, 2011

31 weeks until I turn 30....time for a classy classic goal list

MBA Graduation

I've never been one to focus on getting older.  I still get carded for rated R movies, alcohol, and sex toy stores.  Most recently I was mistaken as my younger friend's daughter...from a distance...and that lady was probably on some sort of drug...but still.  I blame these people:

My parents.  They are young looking people.  Guess how old they are in this picture taken a year ago.....well if you aren't related to me then you probably didn't guess they're in their mid50s.  It could just be me though, maybe I think they look the same because I'm just used to seeing them. 

But, I'm getting off topic. 

So, like the nerd I am, I calculated how many days and weeks are left until the big 3-0.  Fortunately these days there is this handy dandy thing called the internet and it's much faster than counting each day on a calander...

According to said internet, I have 31 weeks (221 days) until I turn 30.  I think a "30 things to accomplish by the time I turn 30 list" is in order.  That gives me 1 week to accomplish each item, plus a week for cushion (that's those MBA style math skills in action!)

Here is my list (in no particular order):

1.  Lose 40lbs.
2.  Tone my arms.
3.  Write a will.
4.  Skydive. (This will be after the writing of the will)
5.  Pay off $13,000 in debt.
6.  Start my tax preparation business, for reals.
7.  Buy Jenee an Awesome t-shirt.
8.  Stop drinking caffeine (I'm thinking this will be in week 29 or 30...)
9.  Go on a tour at the Syburus.
10. Find out what is made at Flutes, Inc.
11. Go on at least 1 romantic getaway weekend with the hubby.
12. Have my teeth whitened.
13. Read at least 1 book per month.
14. Bungee jump.
15. Clean out the gutters.
16. Turn sunroom into something useful (i.e. office for #6)
17. Get out of bed when the alarm goes off..the first time.
18. Buy a new wardrobe.
19. Go to the zoo with family.
20.  Be aggressive, be be agressive.
21.  Plan a cruise.
22. Go rock climbing.
23. Paintballing.
24. Be a vegetarian for 1 week.
25. Create an organized recylcling center in our house.
26. Go tanning.
27. Watch a scary movie without covers.
28.  Learn to speak and understand Spanish.
29. Participate in classy Wednesdays, every Wednesday. 
30.  Have a birthday bash with my friends at Howl @ the Moon on my birthday. 

You may be saying, "Hern, some of these goals are not S.M.A.R.T. goals, and since you have your MBA, shouldn't all of your goals be S.M.A.R.T.? 

My answer is no.  Some of these are just things I have never accomplished (getting out of bed when the alarm goes off, skydiving, go tanning) and some are just things I need to do but I've been too lazy (buy Jenee an awesome t-shirt, clean out the gutters).

The focus here is that there are 30 things to do and 31 weeks to do them.  You'll notice I didn't put "update blog everyday" or something similar because, well you know I wouldn't be able to cross that off my list.  But I will try to keep it updated with my accomplishments, even if it is just a one line blog:  Had my teeth whitened. 

I don't know how to end this post, so I will leave you with a picture of a 2 liter.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Holy Parenting Batman!

Yea, I stole it Jenee....

So I am a parent. it doesn't even sound like a word. 

I've been a parent for nearly six years now and I'm here to tell you future parents that the up all night, changing diapers, feeding every 3 hours, poop everywhere stage is the easy part.  I've been told by non-parents that sometimes my stories scare them into not wanting to have children. I will give you a moment if you haven't had children to stop reading 

Okay those of you still with me, great!  Being a parent certainly has its ups and downs.  You will be able to do things you never thought possible - I realized this the first time my son threw up on me and I calmly sat there instead of what I thought I would do, which is puke right back onto him.  I never thought I would touch poop, let alone be washing it out of underwear with my bare hands, unphased. 

Parenting is sneaky.  As soon as you think you know what you're doing, your kid moves on to the next phase in life.  My kid started kindergarten this year.  I thought we were so prepared- he knows his colors, his numbers, his name.  He can write and read small words.  I thought we were finally ahead of the game!  Nope.  Since the beginning of the school year he has had to call home twice for getting in trouble and last week he bit someone.  Biting?  I certainly didn't see that one coming.  It is not something I could have prevented-  I couldn't have said to him the day it happened, hey by the way don't bite anyone today.

That's when I realized the easy stuff is behind us.  And flashbacks of elementary school came rushing in.  And I have nothing to offer....I mean this is what I looked like in elementary school....
Elementary school was no picnic for this girl.  No one understood my sarcastic sense of humor or my quick quips at making fun of others.  I can look back and laugh at it now, knowing those experiences shaped me into who I am today. 

And now I feel I've completey veered off the topic of parenting.  So my point is that childhood is hard, parenting is hard, life is hard.  It doesn't get easier, it just keeps going....until one day it doesn't anymore...because you die.  No that's too morbid.  Life does get better.  You find a groove, you make friends, you get through the hard stuff, and you live to write a blog about it. 

That's better.  

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Giant bugs at Goose Park...WATCH OUT!!

Today I had an "episode" at lunch.  My friends/co-workers (Marcel and Jenee, you've met them before) and I went to our normal lunch spot, Goose Park.  It's not officially named Goose Park, that's just what we named it because there is a pond and picnic tables and lots and lots of unfriendly geese.  And frankly it's easier to call it Goose Park than "that one place with the pond and the picnic tables and all those crazy ass geese".  ANYWAY....

We were enjoying chatting today after we had finished our food.  I had a microwave meal, Marcel had some form of stew, and I don't remember what Jenee ate, just that she had yogurt left over....

Marcel's eyes suddenly got very big and she said something like "HEATHER, THERE'S AN ENORMOUS BUG ON YOU!!!!"  To which I immediately panicked and looked at my shoulder and this is what the bug looked like to me:

I don't actually know if that's an accurate picture because I was screaming and spinning around in a frantic attempt to get the creature off of me.  It went from my shoulder to my hair and then I'm pretty sure I fell on the ground at some point.  By this time Jenee and Marcel are laughing hysterically while other park goers looked annoyed. 

Two things now concern me about Goose park-
1) Ginormous bugs
2) People heard me screaming, but chose to ignore it (strangers, not my friends who were laughing)

Goose park is still better than Creeper Park (that's at an actual park but people sit in their cars in the parking lot)....

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I love tracking stuff

One of the things I love about my job is tracking orders.  Every morning the second thing I do is log onto and look at what is coming in for the day.  I enjoy this for two reasons.  One is so that when people ask me where their stuff is I can say things like "It arrived in Minnesota at 6:04 AM"  And the second reason is getting a kick out of the path that some things take to get to us.  Usually the path is normal like Texas to Illinois to Indiana.  But every once in a while I will get a golden nugget path like Illionis to California to Indiana.....and then I have a good laugh to myself and go about my day. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Budgeting and what not....

Budgeting is fun if you pretend your debts are enemies and must be taken down....I have reached the point of not wanting to pay interest on my stuff anymore and therefore the husband and I have started Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover.

I've been tried to do this makeover by myself on and off for the last three years.  But I lack discipline and motivation and consistency....

We are currently on step 1 of funding our emergency fund and should reach that goal by Sept 2.  I know what you're thinking, great another blog about trying to get out of debt...bla bla bla....I came here to laugh not read about your road to becoming debt free!  And while you may be saying that to yourself, I am here to tell you that I will still be funny.  I just wanted to let you know what was going on in case in the future I get super excited about coupons or something.

On another note, I am happy to report that paper towels have finally arrived at work. 

You're welcome. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

And I'm back....

Did you miss me?  Of course you did, that's a stupid question (and yes there is such a thing as a stupid question, no matter what your overly enthusiastic fifth grade teacher tells you).  Time has marched on since my last's amazing how quickly it goes sometimes.  So what has happened in Hern's life since June 13, 2011??  I'm glad you asked.

I really can't remember what happened each day so here's a quick summary:

tried more dieting, failed
lost biggest loser
ordered a bunch of stuff at work
played on a softball league (currently we are 1 and 5 I think)
went to my first Indian's baseball game
drove Marcel and Jenee to lunch
got in trouble in the kitty conference room
fell on my tailbone
scraped my leg all to hell
registered son for Kindergarten
went to a Tim McGraw concert (not Brad Paisley!)
learned how to properly say pamphlet (PAM-FLET)
started paying on student loans
asked for a pay raise
got "health insurance"
became a silent/voluntary/accountant/bookkeeper/"numbers" partner person
laughed a lot
did laundry
paid bills
went swimming at The Tipton
went camping and it wasn't horrendous
ate smores
brought face book friend total to 99
started asking random people to apply to be #100

So, now that you are all caught up I will try to stay on top of this more (that's what she said). 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Happiness- why does it come in the form of pizza?

Sunday I went to my parents' house to celebrate my birthday (last month) and my twin brothers' birthdays (this month).  My family celebrates everyones birthdays by getting together and singing "the ugly song" and eating cake.  The ugly song is "Happy Birthday" but everyone sings it as loud and as horrible as possible.  This has been a tradition for quite some time, I cannot even remember when we started it.  I like it because it helps everyone to keep in touch and keeps life from getting in the way of only seeing each other once a year.  Because there are so many birthdays now (16 and counting) we have started combining birthdays that are close together. 

Birthdays are usually near dinner time, but today they mixed it up and had it around 11 and served brunch.  I brought sausage/bacon intending on following my low carb diet, but fortunately Dad made scrambled eggs, bacon, and sausage.

I decided to also have some hash browns with ketchup and that led to a Dr. Pepper.  The day ended with pizza and ice this means on Day 12 of the carb diet everything went to hell....

Moving on to Monday and pretending Sunday didn't happen- back to low carb!  I didn't eat breakfast because frankly I was still bloated from the pizza and ice cream- crap I'm supposed to pretend that didn't happen....

We had MF salad bar for lunch (YUM) and then the husband made me eggs, sausage, and bacon for dinner.  But enough about food.

Monday night concluded with a quote on our gutters.  Looks like that is something we will be repairing ourselves- oh home repairs how fun :) Only 23 years left on this bad boy and it's all ours....

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Almost 2 weeks into June?? Where does the time go...

Here it is June 11 already and I haven't updated in nearly a month!  I'm so lazy/unmotivated sometimes...

So to sum up the May challenge of not eating out - it was going well until the last week and then my stomach talked my brain into ruining it and the month ending with Texas Roadhouse, Grand Traverse, Burger King, White Castle, ice cream....well you get the idea.  It wasn't pretty.

So we're down to June- the last month before the contest ends....and I'm back to low carb.  10 carbs/day.  And it's day 11.  And I'm exhausted.  But I'm almost half way through the month and doing great.  I'm down 7lbs and have been running or walking almost every day. 

Accomplishments for June: 

1.  I have had zero soda.
2.  I went to Dairy Queen with my husband and son and didn't get ANYTHING.
3.  Today I ran for 15 minutes without stopping or slowing down. 

I broke down last night and had 1/2 cup of cocoa puffs, dry and it was like eating cheese cake!

June Annoyances:

1.  I've been irritable for most of the last 2 weeks.
2.  I managed to get pink eye one night while running....a bug flew into my eye and I instinctively went to get it out of my eye with my sweaty hands and the next day I had pink eye.
3.  I've been craving spaghetti and garlic bread like crazy.

So for the remainder of June my goals are:
1.  To continue to update this blog everyday...really...I mean it this time, promise.
2.  Continue on 10 carbs/day.
3.  Be in a better mood.
4.  Lose 23 lbs. 

Does this post have too many numbered lists?  Is there a such a thing as too many numbered lists? 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May challenge continues....

The challenge continues....I did have Subway again and today I ate at the MF salad bar with Jenee and Marcel.  I'm down 10 lbs from when I started and feeling pretty good about it. When I win I am going to use the money for new clothes, but I have come to the conclusion that if for some slight chance I don't win I will still need to buy new clothes, so really that's a win-win...or a lose-win....and the end result is a new wardrobe. 

I few months ago I decided to start working towards getting out of debt.  The husband and I have decided we're much better at spending money than paying off debt and so for now we're going with that method instead.  So we are getting new windows!  I think our house, which was built in 1954, still has the original windows. 

Today I opened a can of beef broth and the expiration date on the lid was 12/21/12 and I thought maybe I should save it in case the world ends on 12/21/12 and then as the world is ending I can pull it out of a drawer and say "Look, the beef broth can lid tried to warn us!"  And then we would all laugh as the earth swallowed us up.  But then I thought about how unorganized I am at home and how I would lose the lid before 12/21/12 and then I would spend hours trying to find it as the world was ending, and who really wants to spend their last hours looking for a lid?   So I threw it in the trash.

Monday, May 9, 2011

No eating out in May!

I have challenged myself to not eating out in May and strictly following an exercise program.  The not eating out is the harder of the two challenges.  So far this month I have had to say no three times to eating lunch out with friends/coworkers and turned down free pizza.  Before I continue I'll need to introduce a couple of people in this story:  Jenee is the Awesome Executive Assistant (that's her official title) where we work together and Marcel is a planner/a lot of other unofficial titles. I feel that Marcel deserves a better label than that so I shall change it to Popular Planner AOT (Among other Titles).   Each day we eat lunch together and then usually walk around outside for the duration of our lunch. 

Here is a picture of Jenee  sadly eating her salad because I would not go out to lunch to Chili's with her and Marcel:

That was on May 3 (they tried to talk me into it saying it was Fifth Third day and we needed to celebrate)

On May 5 they decided to go to Chili's with or without they went without me and I ate my lean cuisine all alone.  I hope they are feeling guilty as they read this.

On May 6 they decided to go to Marsh to eat at the MF salad bar.  I heated my lean cuisine up and went with them and we sat in the Marsh dining area-fortunately we didn't need a reservation.   Jenee used the restroom there and said it was very nice. 

On May 7 I opted for a lean cuisine instead of free, wonderfully smelling pizza and bread sticks at Marcel's house. 

And on Mother's Day I had a homemade Greek chicken Caesar salad.   So here I am 1 week into my challenge and doing well.  I did eat Subway for dinner one night last week but I kept it healthy.  May is probably the toughest month to try to do this challenge with Mother's day, my birthday, Jenee's birthday, and Memorial Day.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

And back to blogging..and another biggest loser

So we started up another biggest loser contest at work.  This time we are going against our main office in California and the winner gets $1000!  A little more serious this time around so I"ve decided it is time to lose the last 31lbs and become quite a hottie.  My starting weight this round was 166 - that means I lost and kept 12 lbs off from the last contest.  My goal is 135 and I have until July 1st to reach it.  My friends and I have started walking around our buildings at lunch and are 2/2 days this week!

I think perhaps we should have a handicap against California because this is our forecast for the week vs. their's:


Tonight Apr 12Wed 13Thu 14Fri 15Sat 16
ClearPartly CloudyMostly SunnyRainShowers
ClearPartly CloudyMostly SunnyRainShowers
Chance of Precip:
Chance of Precip:
Chance of Precip:
Chance of Rain:
Chance of Rain:

Corona, California:

Tonight Apr 12Wed 13Thu 14Fri 15Sat 16
Partly CloudyPartly CloudySunnySunnySunny
Partly CloudyPartly CloudySunnySunnySunny
Chance of Precip:
Chance of Precip:
Chance of Precip:
Chance of Precip:
Chance of Precip:

So on Friday and Saturday we will be stuck inside watching the rain while they are at the beach.

I have also started my running back up.  I ran 1 mile tonight.  First weigh in is tomorrow! 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Losing Biggest Loser.....Taxes = cheese fries and pie :)

I lost biggest loser by 1 lb!  1 measly pound....should have taken exlax I suppose.  So it's been a few weeks since I"ve updated.  I came in 2nd place, losing 20lbs.  We are going to do another contest starting in April and I'm going to win this time!  The husband, child, and I went on a little mini-vacation to Great Wolf Lodge and had a great time minus the child throwing up in the middle of the night.  Our dog that we gave away in November made her way back home via some cable guy calling her tags in and linking her back to us.  We are in the process of finding her a new new home now.  And I've done a few people's taxes..including my good friend Kendra's.  She paid me by taking me to dinner at Texas Roadhouse and then we had pie afterwards.  I like getting paid in food!  So now that you are all caught up on Hern's life you can sleep easier at night.  I'm going to track my progress for Biggest Loser starting in April to keep myself accountable and so that I don't decide to take a three week break while Jason catches up with me.  Oh and I've also decided to get out of debt so I'm looking forward to many challenges ahead. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Running and Barking

We are doing a weight loss contest at work and we have 3 days left until the final weigh in- first place winner gets $670.  I have been ahead of everyone for the past month now and got a bit lazy thinking I had it in the bag.  Then a co-worker decided to lose 7lbs last week!  So since Wednesday I have been on a 10 carb/day diet and running up and down my neighborhood. 

I run 4 blocks down and then turn around and run 4 blocks back (mathematically speaking, that equals 8 blocks).  Our neighborhood seems to love dogs and each block has an individual dog or dog(s) that have a unique way of barking at me or not barking at me.  The first block there are a couple of dogs on the other side of the street that bark slow and loud.  The second block has a fenced in area with two large dogs who are not chained up.  They go crazy when I run past, barking and running with me as I pass.  Then at the end of that block is a little yappy dog on a chain that goes crazy like he's going to eat me.  The third block has a dog that is also fenced in and not on a chain.  She (I call her a she because she is very pretty, but I don't actually know what sex he/she is)  doesn't bark at all, but intensely follows me with a death stare as I run past.  The fourth block sometimes has a dog out who will bark at me a couple times, but not always. 

I have ran for the past 5 days, the same route each time.  And each time these damn dogs bark at me.  Don't they know it's me?  Can they not remember my tigger jacket and Adidas pants?  So I've started barking back at them :)  And they don't know what to do.....perhaps I should start bringing pieces of meat with me as well.  I'm so tired of eating meat (that's what she said).

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Girls Night Out (GNO)

I went to a play tonight called "A Contemporary American's Guide to a Successful Marriage © 1959"  Although I was somewhat disappointed to find out at dinner that it wasn't an actual Guide to a Successful Marriage, it was quite entertaining.  Before the play my friends (Jenee and Marcel) and I spent a half hour driving around a parking garage at the mall, only to find out we were still over a mile away from the theater.  Jenee was able to guide us to the correct location using her awesome phone and find us a free parking spot.  From this point forward my job is to sit in the back and keep my mouth shut when asked for directions.  We got to walk down a scary dark alley, that didn't look that scary because of all the white fluffy snow, and it didn't hurt that Jenee had her trigger finger ready on pink pepper spray. 

The play was scheduled to start at 8pm and we arrived at the theater at around 7:20.  We asked the person selling tickets (who we awkwardly learned a few minutes later was the director) if he thought we would have time to eat before the show.  He replied by saying he didn't know.  I hate it when you ask someone an opinion question and they say they don't know.  Clearly you don't know - we just want your opinion, but people don't like it when you say I know you don't know for sure, I just wanted your opinion so I just kept my mouth shut.  Even an "I doubt it" or "Maybe" or "Probably not" would be better than "I don't know".  Moving on, we decided to risk it and went in search for food.  We walked by a place next door and then further down to another place that had Cajun food and the waitress was wearing a funky hat and vacuuming.  We went in to check out their menu but no one greeted us so we just read their blackboard of food items and decided to go to the first place.  The first place was delicious and fast enough that we made the show.

The play was very funny and I feel that since it is the first play I have seen (not counting high school) that all future plays may fail in comparison.  We went to see the play because the wife of a co-worker (Jason)stars in the play.   Jenee said that Jason and I are now real friends instead of co-workers because of the outing, which is awesome because now I can talk to him about stuff other than non-inventoried items. 

What's this blog about?

A lot of things go through my head throughout the day and according to my friends those things are hilarious.  This blog is a way for me to share my thoughts about the day with those people who aren't around me everyday and also for strangers who are bored and may end up on my blog after researching hernias.